Our services

Our labour safety services

  • labour safety consultancy,
  • preparation of quantitative and qualitative risk assessment at work
    (work environment, activity, chemical, biological, psychosocial),
  • selection of personal protective equipment,
  • benchmarking for measurability, strategic planning,
  • preparation of professional documentation,
  • preparation of labour safety regulations, development, review and
    updating of documentation system,
  • education, professional training (presentation),
  • development and operation of customized procedures,
  • perform ad hoc tasks as required;
  • required cooperation with the labour-health service,
  • keeping and professionally documenting legally required labour
    safety training,
  • conducting and documenting visits, professional inspections,
  • representation during official control, ensuring professional
    competence, handling of deficiencies,
  • conducting labor safety commissioning procedures,
  • carrying out safety and inspections, preparing documentation,
  • administration and documentation of accidents
  • creating, maintaining and checking records,
  • administration of lifting machines, professional management of
    related documents,
  • administration of pressure equipment, professional management of
    documents, structural examination and pressure test
  • comments, professional suggestions, monitoring of legislation,
  • preparation of labour safety strategy

Our fire protection services

  • fire protection documentation, preparation, review and updating of
    fire protection regulations,
  • fire protection consultancy,
  • benchmarking for measurability, strategic planning,
  • preparation of professional documentation,
  • education, professional training (presentation),
  • development and operation of customized procedures,
  • perform ad hoc tasks as required;
  • keeping and documenting legally prescribed fire safety training,
  • conducting visits, professional inspections, and professionally
    documenting them,
  • conducting an emergency plan, conducting an emergency exercise,
  • making escape and rescue plans,
  • organization of fire safety examinations,
  • representation during official control, ensuring professional
    competence, handling of deficiencies,
  • monitoring of general inspections (fire protection equipment, fire
    extinguishing equipment, electrical inspections),
  • creating, maintaining and checking records,
  • certification of fire extinguishers, purchase of new equipment,
  • professional participation in fire investigation,
  • organization of fire safety inspections,
  • comments, professional suggestions, advice,
  • law monitoring, local interpretation of legislation

Our explosion protection services

  • free on-site survey if required;
  • explosion protection consultancy,
  • assessment of explosion risks
  • preparation of an explosion prevention plan,
  • benchmarking for measurability, strategic planning,
  • preparation of professional documentation,
  • education, professional training (presentation),
  • development and operation of customized procedures,
  • perform ad hoc tasks as required;
  • zone classification,
  • protection against dust explosion,
  • assessment of explosion risks,
  • inspection of electrical equipment,
  • electrical safety compliance inspection, shock protection
  • measuring protection against static charge,
  • RLC measurement,
  • preparation of explosion protection documentation,

Our environmental protection services

  • preparation of data services (waste, air, water, sewage, etc. via
  • organization of measurements / sampling, and recording of their
  • environmental risk assessment,
  • education, professional training (presentation),
  • development and operation of customized procedures,
  • Perform ad hoc tasks as required;
  • elaboration of waste management strategy, organization of selective
    waste collection (preparation of regulations for hazardous waste
    collection sites, and approving it by the authority),
  • preparation of records (waste, hazardous material, product charge,

Our risk assessment services

  • assessment of explosion risks,
  • preparation of quantitative and qualitative risk assessment at work
    (work environment, activity, chemical, biological, psychosocial),
  • environmental risk assessment


  • explosion protection consultancy,
  • safety consultancy,
  • fire protection consultancy

Our Electrical & Instrumentation Equipment inspection services

  • conduct electrical safety inspections:
  • electrical safety compliance inspection, shock protection
  • lightning protection inspection,
  • electrical, fire safety standards inspection (low voltage, high
    power equipment inspection, EBF)
  • inspection of RB electrical equipment according to MSZ EN 60079-17


  • professional training (presentation),
  • Keeping and professionally documenting legally required labour
    safety training,
  • keeping and documenting legally prescribed fire safety training,
  • organization of fire safety examinations,
  • H2S education
  • holding theoretical and practical training of explosion-proof
    technical manager course,
  • holding course for repaiers and installers of explosion-proof
  • basic training for operator of explosion-proof equipment with focus
    on non-electrical and / or electrical issues